MySQL LDAP Authenticator
Allows your LDAP or Active Directory users to authenticate to MySQL Community Server instances.
It is developed under FreeBSD and can be installed via the following command:
pkg install ateam_mysql_ldap_auth
However it should run under any UNIX OS that supports MySQL.
BHyve Management Tool
BMT is a super-lightweight tool written in BASH for managing FreeBSD Bhyve VMs, including CentOS 6 & 7, Ubuntu, and even Windows.
It allows for archiving VMs for migration (ie; between servers), auto-provisioning TAP interfaces, displaying overview information for all running VMs and even an easy-to view network map for referencing which VMs go with which TAPs and how they’re bridge.
CouchDB Compactor
A simple script designed to be run via the command line or scheduled via cron.
While CouchDB has built in auto-compaction this is not workable for large databases in production and does not address all areas which need compacting. This script enumerates all CouchDB databases on a server and then runs: a database compaction, a view cleanup and finally a view compaction.