Let’s Get Started

Thank you for choosing A-Team Systems, we’re here and ready to help! To get started please complete the form below with your information, problem description and payment details. If you’re not sure how much time you need to purchase, 1 hour is our standard review and assessment amount.

Once you click the “Pay & Get Started” button below we’ll automatically open a support ticket about your issue and follow up with you shortly.

If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to call us at 1-828-376-0458!

  • Consulting Agreement

  • You authorize us to access the servers and control panels as needed at this ISP (or your own facility or office).
  • These are popular server management control panels, we need to know if they're installed on your server(s).
  • Clear Signature
  • PLEASE DO NOT PUT USERNAMES, PASSWORDS OR OTHER CREDENTIALS INTO THIS FORM. We will collect that information at the next step, if applicable.
  • Payment Details

    If you need immediate assistance or it's after standard hours please pick "Emergency 24x7 Support" to get a rapid response 24/7/365.
  • Please enter a number from 1 to 100.
    If you're not sure how much time you need to purchase, 1 hour is our standard review and assessment amount. Note: for packages this is the number of hour blocks, not total hours.
  • $0.00
    Your total amount purchased today.